Welcome to our Website
We are recruiting new members NOW. If you would like to apply to join Brownhill Lodge you can apply HERE
“We are a very mixed bag of people, with many different backgrounds, trades and professions, which makes Brownhill an interesting group of Brethren, and therefore a lovely lodge to belong to.”
Whether you are a Freemason or just interested in Freemasonry we are delighted to have this opportunity to extend a warm welcome, to Brownhill Lodge No. 9246, and to our Website. We greet you well.
We hope you enjoy your visit and find something to interest you.
Because of the Covid-19 virus it has been a difficult year for everybody but, hopefully, there is light at the end of the tunnel and we are looking forward to resuming our meetings.
We are pleased to say that we have resumed active recruiting and we’re looking forward to the opportunity to welcome new Freemasons into our fraternity.
What is it all about? – what it means to be a Freemason
Watch the video to find out more about what it means to be a Freemason
Continue to stay safe and well, and accept the very best wishes from the members of Brownhill Lodge.
members – Brownhill Lodge