Lodge Officers 2021

Worshipful Master

W. Bro. Jim Carver, PPGStdB

Immediate Past Master

W. Bro. Nigel Casper

Senior Warden

W. Bro. Jim Fuller, PPAGDC

Junior Warden

Bro. Craig Casper


W. Bro. Mark Franklin


W. Bro. Brian Gamble-Beresford, PPAGDC


W. Bro. Dave Monger, PPSGD

Director of Ceremonies

W. Bro. Bob Jones, PPGReg, SLGR


W. Bro. John Rabjohns, PPGSuptWks, LGR

Charity Steward

W. Bro. Jim Fuller, PPAGDC

Lodge Mentor

W. Bro. Brian Gamble-Beresford, PPAGDC

Senior Deacon

W. Bro. TBC

Junior Deacon

Bro. Mark Tanner

Asst. Director of Ceremonies

W. Bro. Jason Fuller, PPGStdB

Asst. Secretary

W. Bro. Bob Jones, PPGReg, SLGR

Inner Guard

Bro. TBC

Chief Steward

W. Bro. Colin Franklin, PPAGReg

Lodge Recruitment Officer

Guest Organist

Lodge Mentor


W. Bro. Dave Monger, PPSGD

W. Bro. Adrian Grant

W. Bro. Brian Gamble-Beresford, PPAGDC

W. Bro. Malcolm Lay PPGReg

Web site design & development by W. Bro. David J. Monger, PPSGD

Coronavirus Pandemic
Due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)  pandemic the MW Grand Master has suspended all Lodge and Chapter meetings for a period of four months from March 2020. The advice given by the United Grand Lodge of England has the following consequences for the administration of Brownhill Lodge

  • The general suspension means that the March and May meetings were not held.
  • No Lodge Summonses will be sent until the suspension is lifted.
  • The current Worshipful Master will remain in office until October 2021 along with all other Lodge Officers including those elected in May 2019. This is because both March and  May  2020 meetings were lost. The next election and installation of officers is currently in May and October 2021 respectively.