Hi. I’m Brian Gamble-Beresford and I’m Mentor to Brownhill Lodge.

I am responsible for ensuring that members of the lodge are properly taught. I will appoint a Personal Mentor to all new Candidates and any members who need to learn.

Lodge Mentor's Collar Jewel


mentor [ men-tawr, -ter ]


a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher.

an influential senior sponsor or supporter.


to act as a mentor to (someone); train

mentoring / (ˈmɛntərɪŋ) /


(in business) the practice of assigning a junior member of staff to the care of a more experienced person who assists him in his career

At Brownhill Lodge we understand the importance and usefulness of good mentoring.

Every candidate is assigned a Personal Mentor from amongst the experienced brethren, by W. Bro. Brian Gamble-Beresford who is the Lodge Mentor.

Personal Mentors will help those they are mentoring along their journey to becoming a Master Mason and beyond.

“I know that each individual has different needs and aspirations so I try to tailor each brother’s mentoring to help him in the best possible way.

Our Personal Mentors hope to achieve:

  • Help a brother to feel at ease and that he belongs
  • Help a brother to a greater understanding of Freemasonry and its Rituals
  • Help a  brother to communicate about his Freemasonry and his membership
But mentoring doesn’t stop after his 3rd Degree”

Brian Gamble-Beresford

The Bigger Picture

Mentoring enables all members to help and develop the lodge. Those aspiring to higher office will always be helped by those more experienced and will hopefully, in time, themselves become mentors.

But the most important thing is that Freemasonry should be fun and we should ensure that everything we do is done with a good heart and a sense of pride.

If a brother finds it difficult to learn a particular part of the Ritual we will find a way for him to learn in a different way or by a more intense  or extensive learning program.

We will always structure a brother’s learning to his own needs and abilities.

Our Lodge of Instruction

The best place to learn and work with your Personal Mentor is at Brownhill Lodge of Instruction. You will be able to practise what you have already learned in the context of working with other members of the lodge.

Working together makes for a much better ceremony when the lodge meets for it’s Regular Meeting and this, in turn, makes for a more impressive and enjoyable meeting for not only the members but our visitors

Our Lodge of Instruction (LoI) is usually held between the first Monday in September to the last Monday in May. We meet at the South East London Masonic Club, 3 Avenue Road, Penge, London SE20 7RT  at 7:30pm.

LoIs on the last 1 or 2 Mondays before a Regular Lodge Meeting (depending on the ceremony to be performed) are designated ‘Officers’ Night’ and all those in the progressive offices are expected to attend and perform the duties of their office.

Join our Lodge of Instruction

If you are a Freemason and would like to attend our Lodge of Instruction please let our secretary know by using our contact form HERE

Join Brownhill Lodge

If you are interested in becoming a member of Brownhill Lodge , use our application form HERE